Railway sounds

Here you will find a small collection of railway sounds in MPEG-3 format.

For listening of railway sounds you should have

Description of sound

File Size, kb
Work of an emergency siren on tracking substation sound1.mp3 4,3
Work of a warning siren on tracking substation sound2.mp3 5
Hooter of the locomotive sound3.mp3 8,4
Movement of a locomotive sound4.mp3 82,5
Movement of a steam locomotive sound5.mp3 10,1
Working transformer 25МWt sound6.mp3 14,3
Swearing speech of the chief Speach 12

Sounds from other sites: http://www.cargolaw.com : Moving of train, Short horn of train

new: Sounds from other sites: WAV.ru: train moving, Japanese railway alarm, Train horn, Railway crossing, Sаровой локомотив, Gnash of braking train.